

About the Divine service


what to expect

Order of Service: Those attending services wear a variety of attire, from jeans/polos to suits. An usher will hand you a worship bulletin when you enter the Sanctuary which contains the Liturgy (music, prayers, scripture lessons - all you need to know to follow the service). The text printed in bold is spoken by the congregation. Pastor is available at the back of the Sanctuary before the service for questions as well as the ushers during any point before or during the service.

Children: Children are welcome and encouraged to come to God’s house! If needed, a nursery is available for your child. There is also a “cry room” with an audio feed of the service so Mom or Dad can continue to listen and participate. Children’s coloring bags are available on the table in the back of the Sanctuary and Bible story books are available on the table in front of the organ. Artwork may be hung on the strings in the Sunday School hallway. Elementary school-aged children are welcome to come to the front of the Sanctuary for the children’s message during the Service.

Communion: We Lutherans believe in the Real Presence, namely that Christ’s body and blood are actually there with the bread and wine in a very special way (1 Cor. 10:16). Because we want to honor Christ and to grow closer to Him through this precious gift of forgiveness, we practice “close communion.” Our faith in Christ brings closer to Him and to each other. This sacrament is His way of keeping us close, that is, in union or communion with Him and fellow Christians. In order to build closeness, please read the following before communing: 1) I confess my sins to God and rely on Jesus Christ to save me from them. 2) I believe that Christ is really present in this sacrament and that with the bread and wine, I actually receive His true body and blood. 3) I intend, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to amend my sinful life and live a life that is pleasing to God. Please ask Pastor if you have questions or would like further instruction on the church’s practice of Holy Communion. Those who do not practice communion or would like to learn more are welcome to come to the altar during communion and cross their arms over their chest when the pastor makes his way to you to receive a blessing (or if preferred, you may stay in your seat during communion). We celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday.